
Analysis of the Charateristics and Mechanical Properties of the Short-stress Path Stand GY1

  • 摘要: 本文对GY-1型短应力线轧机的基本特点及力学原理进行了初步分析。


    Abstract: GY-1 mill stand is a new type of housingless mill based on the des ign principle of short stress path and fewer mating surface. The roll unit is not prestressed but the stand is very stiff and gives excellent dimensional accuracy The main features are high reliability, low maint enance and simple service.
    A symmetrical roll gap adjustment gives a fixed pass line which means easy adjustment and go.od economy he accuracy of the presetting is so high that test pieces are not neccesary after a new dimension changes.
    Experience has shown that the roll stand can replace the old under-capacity mill and gives satistactory resultsThis paper chiefly deals mith the mechanical principle and mecha nism of this roll unit.


