A Preliminary Discussion on the Hysteresis Error of the Magneto-elastic Force Transducer
摘要: 回线误差是影响磁弹效应力传感器综合精度的一项重要误差。为了探索这类误差产生的原因,本文设计了3%Si-Fe冷轧Goss织构电工铜片单晶体拉应力试样。实验结果表明,随着样品工作区中单晶体的100方向与应力σ之间的夹角θ的变化,样品的回线误差不但有数值大小的变化,而且回线误差的类型也不同。一种是,当减载时,传感器的输出电压值高于加载到同一载荷时传感器的输出电压值,另一种则与此相反。本文分析了这类材料的传感器在工作状态下,单晶体内磁铸分布的变化过程,认为回线误差大小及类型随θ角的变化,是单晶体内晶体缺陷与铸壁相互作用的结果。Abstract: Hysferesis error is one of the most important factors by which the precision of the magnetoelastic effect force transducer is affected. For the s-ake of investigating the origin of the hysferesis error, a 3%Si-Fe cold rol- led single oriented electric sheet sample was used. In the mesurement region of the sample, there was only one crysial. The results showed that bot-h of the magnitude and the type of the hysferesis error of the sample varied with θ,the angle between the100 of the crystal and the direction of the stress a.There were two kinds of hysteresis error,one of which was positive and the other negative. In this article the authors analysised the processes of the change in magnetic domains distribution of the sample. It seems that the variation of the magnitude and type of hysteresis error of the sample is due to the interactions between domain walls and crystal defects, particularly dislocations.