A Ag/AgCl Reference Electrode with a Long Periodic Stability for use in LiCl-KCl-NaCl Molten Salt System
摘要: 本文叙述了在LiCl-KCl-NaCl熔体中使用的银-氯化银玻璃和陶瓷隔膜参比电极的研究结果。实验表明,对于吸湿性强的盐系除应采用含有钠离子玻璃管或陶瓷管作电极的隔膜之外,还需清除熔体中的氧和水份,并要求电极严格密封才能保证电极电势长时间地稳定。本实验的玻璃隔膜Ag/AgCl参比电极电势在550℃下长达110小时内仅波动在5毫伏之内。用陶瓷作隔膜则略次于玻璃。文中还讨论了温度和AgCl浓度与电极电势的关系以及电流对电极可逆性的影响。Abstract: A Ag/AgCl reference electrode with pyrex glass and porcelain diaphr agm for use in LiCl-KCl-NaCl molten salt system at 480°-600℃ is described.In order to ensure a long periodic stability of the reference electrodefor hygroscopic molten salts a pyrex glass or porcelain tube conductive to sodium ions should be used as a diaphragm;besides,the water arid the oxygen in the molten salts should be removed thoroughly and the assembled electrode should be sealed perfectly.The experimental results show that EMF of the reference electrode with pyrex glass diaphragm was stable and reproducible to within 5 mv,as well as temperature and current-reversible cycling over a period of 110 hours.The inflenence of temperature and cdncentrat-on of AgCl to the electrode potential also has been discussed.It is shown that the concentration of AgCl chosen within 2-4 mol% may be better.