
Variable P Angle for Plane Envelope Hourglass Worm

  • 摘要: 本文提出一种变β角的平面包络环面蜗杆,并导出其有吴方程式。以这种蜗杆所形成的传动将改善小传动比时蜗杆变尖和根切现象。理论分析使用了北京钢铁学院的包络法及其算符。


    Abstract: This paper developed a new type hour-glass worm enveloping by a variable P angle of the generating plane, and obtainned all of the equations of the worm. The drive by this worm will improve its profile in appearance sharp-pointed or undercut under the small velocity ratio.This paper was theorized about with the "Methodology of Envelope" devised by Beijing University of Iron and Steel Technology,


