
Method of Exergy Analysis within the Furnaces

  • 摘要: 㶲平衡是㶲分析方法的基本手段,本文介绍了工业炉(窑)㶲平衡所用的重要概念和基本思想,以及可能遇到的主要理论性问题,并给出进行连续加热㶲平衡所采用的实用计算公式。


    Abstract: In this paper the main concepts and fundamental ideas of exergy analysis relating to the cxcrgy balance of industrial furnaces are presented A few of the concrete problems about exergy analysis are discussed, and a set of Comparatively complete formulas applied fo exergy balance of cotinnuous reheating furnaces are suggested.
    In order to compute the distribution of exergy losses within the industrial furnaces, the concept about quality of energy is introduced into exergy balance computations, and then a physical model of reversible heat transfer is given for those type of furnaces within which combustion and heat transfer exist,so the formulas applied for computation of the exergy losses distribution within the furnaces are established, In the given model, the fundamental principles of exergy analysis, and the method about thermodynam-ic state functions are used, and a reversible heat transfer module in relevance to the thermal characteristics of the furnaces is constructed for evaluating the degree of irreversibilitg of actual heat transfer processes-The physical meaning of the model is clear, and with its help, problems about distribution of irreversible exergy looses due to heat transfer within the furnaces are solved.


