
Research on the Mechanism for the Accumulotion of Large Oxide Inclusions in the Bottom of Ingots

  • 摘要: 用NH4Cl水溶液和塑料粒子模拟了钢中大型夹杂物在钢锭底部锥聚积过程,提出了聚积机理,并导出了夹杂聚积量的数学方程:
    Q = \fracA\rm\cdotb1 - \alpha (\int_t_1^t_0 (\overline V - U_S) C_0dt + \int_t_0^t + t_s (\overline V - U_S) kC_0dt)


    Abstract: The model experiments on the accumlation of large oxide inclusion in the bottom of ingots during pouring were carried out by using NH4C1-water solution and plastic particles.The mechanism for the accumulation of inclusion were proposed. The quantity of inclusions may be indicated by the following equation:
    Q = \fracA\rm\cdotb1 - \alpha (\int_t_1^t_0 (\overline V - U_S) C_0dt + \int_t_0^t + t_s (\overline V - U_S) kC_0dt)
    It was found that the result of experiments were in good agreement with plant practises.
    Accumulation of the large inclusion on the bottom of ingots is effectively inhibited by the application of the heat-generating agent in the ingot cap but the adding time and method is of very important.
    For reducing inclusion, it is necessary to cast steel in a suitable temperature.


