On Uniformly Asymptotic Stability in the Large to the Non-Linear Autonomous Large-Scale Systems
摘要: 本文研究非线性自治大系统
\frac\rmd\rmx_\rmi\rmdt=\sum\limits_\rmi=1^\rmr \rmf_\rmij(\rmxj)(\rmi=1, \ldots,\rmr)
这里,xi∈Rni,fij∈C(Rnj,Rni,fij(o)=0,得到保证其零解为全局一致渐近稳定的充分条件(见定理1)。Abstract: Let fij (i, j=1, 2……, r) are continuous, the autonomous nom-lineararge-scale system with equatiom
\frac\rmd\rmx_\rmi\rmdt=\sum\limits_\rmi=1^\rmr \rmf_\rmij(\rmxj)(\rmi=1, \ldots,\rmr)
are considered,where Xi is ni vectors and, assume it has a null solution. Some rather well conditions,under which the null solution of above system is uniformly asymptotically stable in the large,is obtained