
Microstructure of Rapidly Solidified Powders and Characteristic of Microsegregation

  • 摘要: 本文详细讨论了激冷雾化马氏体时效钢粉末的形貌变化伴随的溶质原子的偏析特征。结果表明,随着冷却速度的增加,在粉末的结晶形貌发生树枝晶→胞状枝晶→胞状晶→痘点状晶变化的同时,溶质原子的偏析程度明显下降,偏析特征随之改变。当获得痘点状晶时,没有发现溶质原子的明显偏析。


    Abstract: The microsegregation characteristic with which structure of rapidly solidified Powders of maraging steel is accompanied has been studied. The experimental results are as follows:with increasing cooling rates, segregation characteristic changed as the structure changed from dendritic→cellular-dendritic→cellular→pisolitic morphology. Microsegregation extent decreased obvious.It is found that nosegregation occurs when the microstructure is Pisolitic structure.


