Investigation of Internal Porosity of Argon-Atomised FGH95 Alloy Powders
摘要: 本文采用测定粉末真密度法、光学显微镜定量金相法和图象分析仪等方法研究了FGH95高温合金粉末空心度、粉末空心平均尺寸与粉末粒度的关系。
此外,文中还对FGH95合金扮末与Rene'95合金粉末的空心虚、空心平均尺寸进行了比较。Abstract: The percentage of porous particles in argon-atomised FGH95 alloy powder and the relationship between average size of pores and the particles size were studied by real density measureng method, stereological metalography and Image Analyser.
The study was led to the conclusion that as the particles size increases,both the percentage of porous particles and the average size of pores become larger. Most of the pores are equaxial or sphere like.And the larger the particle size is, the more spherical the shapes of the pores are. The internal porosity of FGH95 alloy powder determined by density method deviates a little from that determined by other two methods. The change regularity obtained by the above three methods is the same.The average size of the porosity measured by optical microscope and by Image Analyzer is also the same.