Reliability Fatigue Test Method
摘要: 本文根据机械零件疲劳破坏的基本性质所建立起来的疲劳强度频率分布与疲劳寿命频率分布之间的数学关系式,提出了一种疲劳试验方法,测定在给定疲劳寿命下机械零件的疲劳强度分布类型,从而便于进行机械零件的疲劳强度可靠性分析。而且这种试验方法具有试验周期短、成功率高的特点。通过对弹簧的疲劳试验,证明了这种可靠性疲劳试验方法是可靠的。Abstract: A new fatigue test called Reliability Fatigue Test Method is advanced in the paper according to the mathematics theory on the relation of frequency distribution between fatigue strength and fatigue lifetime based on the component basic property of fatigue destroy. By means of this method, the component distribution law of fatigue strength can be easily to analyze the fatigue strength reliability of mechanical component. High effeciency of success and the short testing period are some of advantages of this method and a great number of spring parts fatigue test done by author show the feasibility of the method.