
Fine Dispersive Carbide and Tempered Martensite Embrittlement

  • 摘要: 本文利用透射电子显微镜及物理化学相分析技术研究了中碳硅-锰钢中回火马氏体脆性(TME)的微观机制,着重探讨了回火过程中析出的碳化物对TME的作用。结果发现,对应于40Si2Mn2钢中TME产生的回火温度区间,存在有由碳化物向渗碳体的转变,析出了细小弥散的颗粒状渗碳体。这种对应现象在40Si2Mn2Mo钢中也得到证实。40Si2Mn2Mo钢的TME产生的回火温度和弥散渗碳体的析出温度都要高于40Si2Mn2钢。由此得出:在回火过程中大量细小弥散渗碳体的析出是中碳硅-锰钢中TME产生的一个重要原因。


    Abstract: The materials investigated were a 40Si2Mn2Mo steel and two kind of 40Si2Mn2Mo steels with different molybdenum content. By means of TME and physicchemical phase analysis technique, it has been found that there exists a transition from e-carbide to cementite in the tempering temperature range corresponding to TME in 40Si2Mn2 steel.Nevertheless, the cementite precipitated at this stage of tempering is not platelets as generally observed in other steels, but is fine dispersive particles. The correspondence between the fine dispersive carbide and TME is confirmed in 40Si2Mn2Mo steels. It ha.s been concluded that a large amount of line dispersive cementite precipitating during tempering is a primary factor for TME in medium carbon Si-Mn steels.


