The Functions of Kyanite and Clay in the Plastic Refractory
摘要: 本文阐述蓝晶石,粘土的性能,在不同温度下的相变化和特性,以及它们在耐火可塑料中的作用。蓝晶石颗粒加热至一定温度,会发生相转变,生产高温性能好的莫来石,同时析出游离SiO2;伴随加热过程发生膨胀,而容重却下降。粘土矿物在常温下可塑,在高温下收缩,同时发生相转变,生成耐高温的莫来石及方石英。以此两种矿物为主要原料,再加入辅助原料和复合添加剂配制成耐火可塑料,具有常温可塑,高温下微膨胀,抗热震、抗压抗折强度高等特性。Abstract: During heating to certain temperature region, kyanite can transform to mullite, which possess good properties at high temperature, and free SiO2 formed. As temperature increases, the kyanite expands and its volume wight decrease. At room temperature, clay is plastic, but it can contract and transform to refractory at high temperature. The plastic refractory materials made from kyanite, clay, some additives and other compounds. It possess following propeties. plasticity at room temperature, slight exponsion at high temperature, resistance to thermal shocks, high compressive strenght and tensile strenght.