
Microcomputer Data Collecting and Processing System Used for Measuring Operating Load of Equipments

  • 摘要: 本文介绍了应用IBM-PC微型计算机的多路数据采集和处理系统的工作原理,硬件结构及系统软件。该系统具有输入通道多,采样频率可调,采样数据量大,输出显示灵活等特点,已成功地应用于实测工作。


    Abstract: This paper introduces the multichannel data collecting and processing svstcm applied to the IBM-PC computer and discusscsits working principle, main performance figures and functions, hardware structure and system soft ware. This system is noted for its multiple input channels (The number of channels can be chosen from 1 to 32),its changeable sampling frequencies (14 steps from 2Hz to 30kHz), great number of sampling dala (tp to a maximum of 10MB) and varied output forms. The system has a wide application in data collecting and processing, and measurement of analogs in dynamic processes,and has been successlul in measuring operating load ol equipments.


