
Calculation of Phase Equilibria between Austenite and Carbide in Fe-Cr-Ni-C Quaternary System

  • 摘要: 将Bjorn Uhrenius描述Fe-C基三元合金体系热力学性质的亚点阵模型扩展后应用于Fe-C基四元合金体系,给出了自由能函数关系表达式,并且在Biorn Uhrc-nius对Fe-Cr-C系热力学平衡计算的基础上,再结合Nishizawa对于Cr-Ni二元系给出的交互作用参数,对Fe-Cr-Ni-C系中固溶体和碳化物的两相平衡进行了计算求解。


    Abstract: The sub-lattice model proposed by Bjorn Uhrenius, which was used to describe thermodynamic properties of Fe-C-based ternary systems, has been extended and applied to Fe-C-bssed quaternary alloy systems with the Gibbs energy expressions also being given. The phase equilibria between austenite and carbide in Fe-Cr-Ni-C quaternary system have been calculated based on the calculation of thermodynamic equilibria in Fe-Cr-C ternary system done by Bjorn Uhrenius, in combination of the interaction parameters in Cr-Ni binary system given by Nishizawa.


