
Computer Simulation of Volumetric Changes of Ductile Cast Iron Rolls during Solidification

  • 摘要: 采用直接差分方法对球墨铸铁轧辊凝固过程中不同时刻的温度场进行计算机模拟。在此基础上对不同时刻的体积变化也进行了模拟。利用计算机模拟可以定量地、准确地揭示出球铁轧辊凝固过程中体积变化的动态过程,为球铁轧辊无冒口铸造工艺提供了科学根据。试验表明,在计算机帮助下,采用无冒口铸造能可靠地生产出无缩孔、无缩松的致密球墨铸铁轧辊。


    Abstract: A computer program to simulate the temperature distribution and the volumetric changes occuring in ductile iron rolls during solidification is presented. Direct finite-difference method has been used to calculate the temperature distribution. With the help of computer modelling a new technique for producing riserless ductile iron roll castings has been developed and a perfect sound ductile iron roll castings without riser has been produced.


