The Sand Mold Centrifugal-Casting Gray Cast Iron Pipes
摘要: 用稀土硅铁处理的砂型离心灰铸铁管、管体抗拉强度可提高25.9%(冲入法)和42.4%(喷吹法),其平均管体抗拉强度达到214N/mm2(冲入法)、242N/mm2(喷吹法),都超过了国际(ISO13-78)标准所规定的砂型离心铸铁管的指标(180N/mm2),达到了金属型离心灰铸铁管的抗拉强度要求(200N/mm2)。该铸铁管管壁厚度比国际标准规定的薄2.2mm(14.1%)。Abstract: The body tensile strengh of the centrifugal-casting gray cast iron pipes treated with RE can be improved to 25.9%(pouring of ladle) or 42.4% (spraying process), while their average values are 214N/mm2, and 242N/mm2 respectively. Both surpass the (ISO13-78) specification (180N/mm2) and reach the requirement of metal mold centrifugal-casting gray cast iron pipes. The cast iron pipe thickness is 2.2mm(14.1%) thinner than the international standard.