Construction of Pandiagonal Magic Squarey of Odd Order
摘要: 给出了一般奇数阶泛对角幻方(Pandiagonal Magic Square)的作法。按这种方法,不需借助于任何工具,对任意1个不是3的倍数的奇数n及任意预先规定好的第1行或第1列元素,都能快速地作出n阶泛对角幻方。并对方法进行了理论上的严格证明,同时估计了所能作出的幻方个数的下界。Abstract: Given the first row or first column, a pandiagonal magic square of order n for any odd numble n can be constructed simply, if this n is not the integral multiple of 3, and the methods of construction and, strict proof are given.