
Searching Similarity of Computer Simulating Drawing Based on EVB Drawing Theory

  • 摘要: 根据实际操作结果,指出了电算模拟放矿Jolley模型本身的严重缺陷,证明了其直接计算结果无论在数值上还是放出体的形体上都无法与实际放矿过程相似,所谓的相似特征值q制约不了Jolley模型的相似过程.本文借助放出期望体理论的推证方法和结果,提出了Jolley模型数值相似的方法,经投入运算,证明该方法是简单、准确和可行的.


    Abstract: According to the computer's dataout, the paper points out that D Jolley.drawing mathematical model contains much inborn defect,bears out that D Jolley. model's dataout is not similar with real drawing result,that the characteristic value(q) doesn't control D Jolley. model's similar process.Simultaneously, the paper advances a numerical value similar method on the basis of the expected value body (EVB) drawing theory,and demonstrates that new similar method is simple, exact and feasible based on it's computing result.


