
NMR Technique for the Analysis of Pore Distribution in Porous Solid:The Stepwise Regression Method

  • 摘要: 探讨了用NMR方法求解多孔固体孔径分布中有关病态积分方程的求解问题,借助于数理统计中的逐步回归分析,加入非负限制,给出了一个新的求解方法.这种方法数值上很稳定,计算量小,可以给出较为连续的f(T1)分布曲线,并采用岭回归和Hesse光滑方法抑制噪声的影响.从所给出的计算实例看出,这种方法有一定的优越性.


    Abstract: In view of the multivariate regression analysis,astepwise regression analysis method with non-negative constraint to solve the ill-posed integral equation is proposed,which is required in NMR technique for the analysis of pore structure.This method is numerically stable,easy to implement with less calculations,and a more continuous distribution f(T1) can be obtained.Two ways to reduce the effect of noise are suggested:Marquardt method and the smooth approach proposed by Hesse.From the results of the computed examples this method works quite well.


