A CAD Mtheod for Underground Mining Design
摘要: 本文以AUTOCAD为基础提出了以交互式和自动化相结合进行地下矿开采设计CAD方法,介绍了热键、汉字标注、参数输入、数据组织、工程布线及标识、实体识别、文本修改、工程计算等技术方法,开发出了适合地下矿开采设计的CAD软件。该软件运行性能稳定,功能完整实用,结果正确可靠,操作简便。本软件的使用可大大减轻工程技术人员的设计工作强度,提高地下矿开采设计的质量和应变能力。Abstract: The paper advises a CAD method for mining design in an underground mine in the way of automatic and interactive operation on the base of the Auto CAD package:introduces techniques of hot-key, chinese character writing, parameter input, data organization,engineering layout and tagging, entity identification, text revise, and engineering calculation.A CAD software package is developed for the underground mine design.