Application of High Gradient Magnetic Seperation into Machine's Monitoring and Fault Diagnosis
摘要: 从高梯度磁力分离的理论基础入手,根据机械设备发生磨损时产物——磨粒的形态与磁性特点,首次较完整地提出了将高磁力分离技术应用于设备磨损监测和故障诊断中的思想方法,并在此基础上开发研制了油液磨粒监测仪WPM。Abstract: Based on our researches on High Gradient Magnetic Seperation (HGMS) and machine wear particle characteristics when wear takes place in machanical systems, the idea of applying HGMS to machine's Wear Monitoring and Fault Diagnosis (WMFD) is put forword. Then it describes a newly developed instrument——Wear Particle Monitor (WPM) as an example of HGMS's application in the field of WMFD.