
Preparation of Saving Energy Coating of BJ-Ⅰ Infrared

  • 摘要: 介绍一种在高温炉窑内衬表面刷涂的BJ-Ⅰ红外节能涂料,对增黑剂,例如碳化硅等进行了探讨,得出了其加入量超过12%时,发射率增加缓慢的结论。同时研究了涂料的粘附强度、防裂、防剥落等措施。BJ-Ⅰ红外节能涂料对炉窑内衬有强烈的保护作用,延长使用寿命,提高黑度,增加热效,达到节能的目的。


    Abstract: A kind of high temperature furnace lining energy economized coating BJ-Ⅰ has been developed. The role of the blackening agent, such as SiC, was studied. It has been found that the increment in emission ratio began to show down when the blackening agent content was more then 12%. The adhesion strength and stripping and splitting prevention measure were also discussed. The results showed that BJ-Ⅰ coating possessed high adhesion strength and tenacity. It has a protective effect on the lining and can protract the service life of the lining effectively.


