Development of Computerized Thermopysical Data Bases for Metallurgical Melts
摘要: 介绍了《冶金熔体热物理性质数据库》的功能、结构与特点。作为《智能化冶金动力学数据管理系统》的主体部分,《冶金熔体热物理性质数据库》采用WINDOWS为工作平台,FOXPRO为数据库语言,C语言编制协调器,该系统具有高查询速度,对用户友好的画形界面,能够预测某些冶金熔体的热物理性质。该系统将发展成一个综合性的冶金动力学数据库及应用系统.Abstract: The present paper describes the functions, structure as well as the features of "Computerized thermophysical data bases for metallurgical melts". As the major partion of the IDMSKM system, the software has been developing based on WINDOWS as working bench, FOXPRO and MS C/C+ +as coding languages. The main features of the present system are the high speed of the data retrieval, the user friendly graphical interfaces as well as the capability of predicting thermophysical properties for some specific types of molten systems. The present system is expected to be expanded and would become a comprehensive system of kinetics data bases with their applications.