Computer Simulation of the Electric Magnetic Force Field in Alumina Reduction Cell
摘要: 介绍了电解槽内电流分布、磁场和电磁力的计算模型和计算程序,结合我国自焙阳极上插棒式铝电解槽的实践计算了铝液中的电磁力,给出了电流分布、磁场及电磁力场图,为铝电解槽的设计和炉膛内形的优化提供了参考.Abstract: Constructed the mathematical models and computer softwares to calculate the current density,magnetic flux and electric magnetic force fields. By use of these softwares, the distributions of current desity,magnetic flux and electric magnetic force about 80kA vs. soderberg cell were computed and simulated. Some suggestions about the cell ledge were given out based on the calculated results.