Application of ESZ Principle in On-Line Measurements of Non-Metallic Inclusions
摘要: 针对以往夹杂物检测方法离线的弊端,给出了一种新颖的在线检测方法——电敏感区在线检测法,并分别在冷态下(电解质溶液)及热态下(铝液)进行了夹杂物测试。试验证明,将电敏感区法应用于导电液体中非导电夹杂物在线实时测试,所提技术方案是可行的。Abstract: A new techniques for on-line measurements of inclusions, ESZ principle,is given. Based on experimemts under low temperature and high temperature, ESZ principle is proved to be a practical technique for on-line measurements of non-conductive inclusions in conductive liquid.