Bond Mechanism of Metallic Pellet Produced from Zn-Pb-Bearing Iron and Steel Plant Dust
摘要: 对含锌铅钢铁厂粉尘配碳球团,经还原焙烧后得到的高炉用金属化球团的固结机理进行了研究。结果表明:金属化球团的强度由金属铁相的数量和形态以及球团内孔隙的大小共同决定。球团孔隙的大小取决于脉石所形成的渣相的流动性和渣对孔隙的充填状态:铁相的数量及形态则取决于球团的还原程度。Abstract: The study on the bond mechanism of metallic pellet produced from Zn-Pb-bearing iron and steel plant dust with carbon shows that its compression strength is not only dependent on the shape and amount of iron phase but also on the size of hole in metallic pellet. The hole size depends on the fluidity of slag phase in pellet and its filling condition to the hole in pellet.The amount and shape of iron phase depend on the reduction degree of pellet.