
Incremental Melting and Solidification Molding Process

  • 摘要: 介绍逐步熔融加工的原理,即向非诱导性的成形模内连续提供诱导性的颗粒或粉末状的原材料,利用高频加热使模内的材料熔化并保持一个较窄的区域,通过成形模与加热源的相对移动,使材料自下而上逐步地熔融和凝固,达到一次成形的目的。此外还介绍了它适用范围宽,及制品的优良的物理和力学性能等优点。


    Abstract: The material in mold is melt by using induction heating and maintained a small height. Incrementally melting and solidification take place from bottom to top, by the motion between mold and heating source, reaching the molding purpose. This process can reach a near net shape and get excellent properties.


