New Method of Input Torque Balancing of Planar Linkages
摘要: 提出一种附加一固定凸轮平衡平面连杆机构的输入扭矩的新方法。利用该方法可在机构的摆动力完全平衡的基础上,利用平衡摆动力时在输入轴上的附加质量的转动惯量来部分或完全平衡机构的输入扭矩。该方法的最大优点是,无需再附加平衡质量(广义),就可得到改善或完全平衡输入扭矩的效果;如需完全平衡机构的输入扭矩,只需调整原附加质量的转动惯量。Abstract: For planar linkages a new method of adding a fixed cam to balance the inertia input torque is presented.With this method the imput torque can be partially or complete balanced, using the moment of inertia of the mass which is added to input crank for balancing the shaking force. The main advantage of this technique is that no other mass (broad sense) needs adding to original linkage for the purpose to decrease or complete balance the fluctuating torques. But the moment of inertia of the added mass should be adjusted according to the requirement.