Kinetic of Oxidation of Ni-Cr Low Alloying Steel under Vapour Atmosphere
摘要: 在纯水蒸汽环境下,研究了镍铬低合金钢等温氧化过程中水蒸汽通入量与氧化膜厚度与时间的关系。结果表明,镍铬低合金钢在水蒸汽环境中,氧化膜厚度与水通入量呈双曲线关系,与温度呈直线关系。对实验结果回归分析,得出了在水蒸汽下等温氧化时氧化膜厚度与水通入量、温度的关系方程。Abstract: The kinetic of oxidation of Ni-Cr low alloying steel under vapour atmosphere is investigated.Several curves is obtained,which indicate that such variables as vapour quantity,temperature and time influence differently on the thickness of oxidation layer on Ni-Cr low alloying steel surface.