有限域GF(pm)(P ≥ 3)上3p1pl+1p3次方程的根

Roots of Equations of Degrees 3pl,pl+1p,3 Over Finite Field GF(pm)(p≥3)

  • 摘要: 提出了GF(3m)上3次方程根的判别方法,讨论了有限域GF(pm)(p ≥ 3)上3pl次方程根的状况,给出了GF(pm)上p次和pl+1次方程根的判别方法.


    Abstract: A method for dishngushing the root of an equation of degree 3 over finite field GF(3m) is suggested and the state of root of equation of degree 3pl overfinite field GF(pm)(p≥3) is discussed. The method for distingushing the roots of degree p and pl+1 over GF(pm) is also discussed.


