
Volumetric Calculations of Stockpiles by Using Computer-aided Measuring Technique

  • 摘要: 给出了一套利用计算机辅助测量技术测量料堆体积的完整方法,包括料堆现场拍照、将照片输入计算机进行立体重建和体积计算.提供了一套完整的体积计算算法,包括:原始数据点的整理、建立三角网、等高线插值、搜索等高线、判断等高线关系、拟合等高线、计算等高线面积和计算体积8个步骤.在算法的基础上,开发出了系统原型,并通过一个料堆实例,验证了算法的可行性和正确性.


    Abstract: The measurement system to calculate the volume of the stockpiles by using computer-aided measuring technique is introduced. This system includes taking photos of the stockpile on the spot and scanning the photos into images in the computer to do 3-D reconstruction and volume calculation. In the part of volume calculation, offers in detail a complete set of algorithms which has eight procedures including filtering raw data, constructing triangle grid, computing interpolation points on the contours, searching contours, judging the relationships among contours, fitting contours and calculating contour' area and stockpile's volume. Based on these algorithms, a volumetric calculation subroutine is developed. By measuring a real coal pile, the feasibility and validity of these algorithms is tested well.


