Effect of Atmosphere on CaZrO3/ZrB2 Composite Sintering
摘要: 氧化物与非氧化物的烧结,合适气氛的选择特别重要.CaZrO3与ZrB2是化学性质截然不同的2种化合物,经过热力学分析,在所考虑的各种气氛中,这2种化合物高温时只有在Ar气保护的中性气氛中才能稳定存在.实验也证实了热力学分析的可靠性.Abstract: The effect of atmosphere on the sintering of CaZrO3/ZrB2 composite has been studied in three kind of atmosphere. Thermodynamic analysis has indicated that at high temperature both CaZrO3 and ZrB2 thermodgnamic relation would be stable only in Ar atmosphere. The experimental results have verified the reliability of the above thermdgnamic analysis.