FEM of Speed Effect Compensation for Hydrodynamic Journal Bearing in Continuous Hot Strip Mill
摘要: 采用有限元方法求解雷诺方程,对油膜厚度进行计算机数值模拟,以评价不同轧制工况下油膜轴承的承载能力与特性参数.计算得出的不同轧速与轧制压力下膜厚预报值及权厚控制曲线,与实际数据吻合.Abstract: The finite element method (FEM) is used to solve the Reynlds equaion and to perform the computer numerical simulation for the calculation of oil film thickness and the evaluation of the parameters and loading capacity of the oil film bearing considered under different rolling conditions. The forecasted film thickness from the computation and the gauge control graph are close co-related to the practical status.