
Lens-induced Distortion Calibration Using Computer Automatic Target Recognition and Matching

  • 摘要: 给出了一套通过近景摄影来进行摄影镜头畸变校正的完整方法,它包括准备标靶并摄影、计算机自动识别和匹配标靶标志点、运用最小二乘法解镜头畸变校正系数等步骤.详细讨论了自动识别和匹配标靶算法的各个步骤,包括预处理,二值化,图像分割、细化,线条检测,标志点判别,重建标靶网格和标靶匹配等.在这些算法的基础上,实现了一个完整的系统.通过实例证明了这套方法的正确性和有效性.


    Abstract: A compleled method of Calibration of Lens-induced Distortion is discussed,which on a test photographing. It is described as following:take some pictures on a test target; the signs on the pictures are marked and matched by computer automatically; the parameters of lens-induced distortion can be calculated using least square procedure. The algorithm of automatic marking and matching test target is detailed, which contains several approaches:image pre-processing, image binaryzation, image segmentation, sign thinning, line linking, sign recognition, calculating coordinates, grid rebuiding and grid marching. A completed system is implemented based on this algorithm and shows its feasibility and validity in actUal usage.


