
Verification and Numerical Simulation for Semi-solid Modeling the Thixoforming Process

  • 摘要: 根据触变铸造半固态合金的流变特性,将半固态触变成形过程的流动简化为均相等温层流流动,并对其进行了数值模拟和实验验证,数值模拟结果与实验充型结果基本相符.


    Abstract: Based on floe-varying characteristics of thixotropic casting semisolid alloys, the flowing state of the semisolid alloy and the procedures as filling up the mould by means of thixotropic casting being performed, is simplified to the flow which features in an equal temperature layers, audit also is simulated and verified. The analogical results corresponds to that of filling up mould.


