Logistic Mapping Digital-flow Chaos Strange Attractor and Its Parameter Analysis
摘要: 对离散点混沌产生器进行了研究,并发现了具有"钢盔"形奇怪吸引子.这将是对Logistic映射理论研究的补充和完善.而后,从理论上推导了Logistic映射在μ ∈(3.571 448,…,4)的区间特性,发现在该混沌带内存在无穷多个稳定的不动点.这一发现为Logistic映射在数字混沌保密通信应用时的系统参数选取提供了理论依据.Abstract: A new type of chaos generator, digital-flow chaos generator is proposed. The strange attractor like ‘helmet’ in Logistic mapping digital-flow chaos generator is found by simulation. The section characteris-tic of Logistic mapping in theory is deduced. And infinitude of immovable points in Logistic mapping chaos section during μ∈(3.57l448,...,4) is found. The basis of chosen parameter for chaotic secure communication is provided.