
A Method for Spatialization and Regularization of Geological Data in the Volume Visualization of Mineral Deposits

  • 摘要: 系统地论述了矿床体视化过程中由原始采样数据生成空间规则体数据的实现方法,分析了能够形成地矿体空间体数据的主要插值方法的优缺点,在充分考虑矿石品位的空间相关性和变异性的前提下,利用Shepard法实现了空间体数据的生成.


    Abstract: A methodology is presented for the spatialization and regularization of geological data in developing a volume visualization system of mineral deposits. In the process of spatialization, drill holes are treated as a series of broken lines with the spatial direction, and the grade at a point is obtained through layering of the deposit with one meter depth. The regularization of geological data is realized using the Shepard method with the regionalization of mineralization taken into account through geostatistical variograms. A case of underground iron ore mine is studied to verify and validate the methodology.


