Permselectivity Mechanism of Ion Exchange Membranes
摘要: 分析了传统的双电层理论或Donnan膜平衡理论在解释离子交换膜的选择透过性机理上存在的局限性,提出了“空穴传导-双电层”假说,认为离子交换膜在溶液中由于反离子的迁移在膜内留下“离子空穴”,同时在膜的两侧形成“双电层”结构,“空穴”和“双电层”共同作用的结果使溶液中与反离子同号的离子能够通过离子交换膜,而与反离子异号的离子无法进入离子交换膜,从而使其具有选择透过性.在此基础上,用“空穴传导-双电层”假说对离子交换膜在无电场和有电场作用的选择透过性进行了合理的分析.Abstract: There are some problems if adopting conventional theories such as the double electric layer and the Donnan equilibrium to explain the permselectivity of ion exchange membranes. A hypothesis named the forming of cavities and double electric layer is proposed. According to the hypothesis, ions migration within membranes form the ion-cavities inside membranes and the double electric layer beside membranes. It is the double electric layer that let counter-ions enter membranes from diluted water, and the ion-cavities that let counter-ions pass through the membranes and enter concentrated water. The hypothesis of the forming of cavities and double electric layers can explain the permselectivity of membranes on different occasions such as the electric field or non-electric field.