Development of a Geological Database for the Volume Visualization System of Chengchao Iron Mine
摘要: 通过分析程潮铁矿地质采样数据的特点,结合矿床及其开采设计体视化仿真系统的性能需求,从数据库表结构、表间关系及数据的录入处理等三个方面,描述了矿床地质数据库建立过程,采用ADO相关技术实现了地质数据库管理子系统.实践表明,本系统是合理的、有效的.Abstract: An approach to the development of a geological database and its mangement system was presented, including the methology for design, implementation, and input data manipulation of the geological system. Besed on ADO (Active Data Object) and its relative technologies, the geological database and its management system were developed, and a case study with data from Chengchao Iron Mine was conducted. The results have demonstrated the validity of the system.