
Derived Dynamic Disasters of Large Scale Mined-out Area for West Coal Mines

  • 摘要: 西部矿山大尺度采空区衍生动力灾害是目前煤矿开采中面临的最大技术难题.为了给采取合理有效的防灾措施提供科学依据,对采空区衍生动力灾害主要特征、形成原因以及衍生灾害的实质等进行详细阐述.通过数字化监测与预防分析可以控制采空区衍生动力灾害有效方法.


    Abstract: It is the most important research for west coal mining presently to control the derived dynamical disasters of large scale mined-out area. In order to obtain reliable evidence to control the disasters, some characters, causes and essentials were analysed. The result shows that a technology based on digital monitoring and predicting can control the derived dynamical disasters of large scale mined-out area for west coal mines.


