Self-intensity of binding phase in iron ores during sintering
摘要: 在铁矿粉烧结过程中,熔化的矿粉在冷却过程中起着粘结周围未熔矿粉的作用,因此这一粘结相的自身强度是衡量烧结矿固结状况的重要指标之一.运用这一新概念,以八种常用的铁矿粉为对象,在固定温度、改变碱度的条件下进行了粘结相自身强度特性的实验研究,并对影响铁矿粉粘结相自身强度的因素进行了理论分析.结果表明:不同种类的铁矿粉由于其自身特性的不同,所生成的烧结粘结相的强度以及随二元碱度的变化规律有明显差异.以此可以作为烧结优化配矿的重要技术依据.Abstract: In sintering process, for melted mineral fines bind unmelted core ores when cooled, the self-intensity of binding phase in iron ores is one of the basic indexes to estimate sintered binding status. With eight kinds of iron ores, the self-intensity characteristic of binding phase was studied at the same temperature and different basicities and their influence factors were theoretically discussed. It is indicated that since different kinds of iron ores have different self-characteristics, the sintering intensity of binding phase and its dependence on basicity have obvious difference. As a result, the sintering intensity of binding phase can be considered as an important technical criterion for optimizing the sintering blending.