Application of prestressed anchors and grouting with bar nets in reinforcement of reinforced soil retaining walls
摘要: 根据山东省淄博市梧台立交桥加筋土挡土墙加固的工程实际,结合理论计算,讨论了高压注浆提高锚固力的原理,提出了局部采用双层钢筋网的喷浆支护方法.结果表明,该加固方法有效地限制了墙体的侧向位移,加固效果良好,适用于失稳挡土墙加固.Abstract: Aimed to the reinforcement of reinforced soil retaining walls at Wutai cloverleaf junction of Zibo, Shandong province of China and based on the correlative theoretical calculation, a method of enhancing the anchoring force by high-pressure grouting was discussed. The method of grouting with two local layers of steel bar nets was proposed. The result indicated that the lateral displacement was limited effectively with a satisfactory reinforcement effect.