Comparison of laboratory accelerated weathering tests for organic coatings
摘要: 研究了丙烯酸聚氨酯清漆涂层在荧光紫外UVA辐照/凝露和氙灯辐照/雨淋两种加速实验程序下的物理、化学性能和防护屏障性与暴露时间的关系.结果表明:氙灯辐照/雨淋对涂层的膜厚损失、失光率的影响程度略大于同周期UVA加速的效果;而黄色指数及不同暴露周期的完整涂层的低频阻抗模值与暴露时间的关系则与FTIR反映的羰基指数的变化规律较为一致,显示UVA加速涂层老化的效果大于同周期氙灯加速效果.且在两种加速条件下,完整涂层的低频阻抗模值均与暴露时间呈指数规律衰减,表现出较好的时间函数关系;说明EIS的低频阻抗模值与UV光辐射产生的涂层性能的变化有一定的相关性,并很好地反映其防护屏障性,可作为有效的监测参量用于建立室内外老化实验的相关性,预测光老化涂层的防护寿命.Abstract: Acrylic polyurethane varnish coatings were exposed in two artificial weathering environments produced by a fluorescent UV/eondensation weathering device and a xenon lamp light exposure/weathering equipment for different periods of time. The results showed that the xenon exposure program affected the thickness loss and gloss loss more seriously than the UV/condensation. However, yellow index measurements and low frequency impedance revealed that a greater degradation was caused by the UV/condensation, which was in agreement with the result obtained from FTIR analysis. In the two accelerated weathering environments, the low frequency impedance modulus of intact coatings decreased exponentially with the increase in ageing time, and correlated with the changes in other properties of ageing coatings. It can be used to predict the lifetime of the coatings.