Characters of anisotropy seepage in homogenous ore material
摘要: 以德兴铜矿矿石为实验物料,采用均匀设计法确定散体渗流实验方案,在自制多功能浸出实验台架上进行水平和垂直渗流实验,实验结果采用SPSS统计软件进行回归分析.结果表明:垂直向下的渗流系数最大,其次为水平方式,垂直向上的渗流系数最小;均质体各向异性系数变化范围为1.38~6.73,平均值为4;粗粒含量P5在35%~60%之间以及含泥量在1%~5%之间,散体的渗流系数变化呈先升后降现象;渗流系数与孔隙率呈幂函数关系,随孔隙率增大而上升;孔隙率随0.1~0.2 mm的物料含量增加而下降,随10~8 mm和8~4 mm含量之积增大而上升;渗流指数m与雷诺数Re之间存在幂函数关系,对于判定渗流状态两者是一致的;西源排土场水平渗流系数为3.68×10-2m·s-1,垂直渗流系数为1.51×10-2m·s-1.Abstract: Horizontal and vertical seepage experiments with granular material from Dexing Copper Mine were completed on a multifunctional experimental shelf. The experiment projects were homogenous designed and the data were analyzed in SPSS software. It is shown that the maximum seepage coefficient appears in clown-going flow, the smaller in horizontal flow and the minimum in up-going flow. All the anisotropy coefficients vary from 1.38 to 6.73 and their average value is 4. While the content of coarse grains is in the range of 35% to 60% and the content of mud is 1% to 5%, the seepage coefficient is initially uprising but latter down-going. The seepage coefficient is correlated with porosity in a power function and uprises with enlarging porosity. The porosity declines with increasing content of grains in the range of 0.1 to 0.2 mm and heightens with increasing content of grains in the ranges of 10 to 8 mm and 8 to 4 ram. The relation of seepage coefficient and Reynolds number could he expressed as a power equation and they are identical to determine seepage state. The horizontal and vertical seepage coefficients of Xiyuan dump are 3.68× 10-2 m·s-1 and 1.51 × 10-2 m·s-1, respectively.