Affecting factors of the turnover rate of steel ladle in steelmaking plants
摘要: 针对某炼钢厂生产流程建立钢包周转过程仿真模型,对影响钢包周转率的热修时间、生产钢种和修包包龄等因素进行仿真研究.仿真结果表明:热修时间增加,钢包周转率下降,当日产45炉典型钢种,热修时间在0~20 min范围内钢包周转率为6.43,而当热修时间为50~60 min时钢包周转率为5.0;生产不同钢种的钢包周转率差别较大,日产41~50炉的SPHC钢种时,钢包周转率最大值为6.28,最小值为5.63,而生产同样炉数的X70钢种时钢包周转率最大值为5.0,最小值为4.55;修包包龄增加,钢包周转率提高,日产48炉典型钢种,修包包龄为40次时钢包周转率为4.0,修包包龄为45次钢包周转率达极限值6.86.Abstract: Aimed at the production flow of a steelmaking plant, a simulation model of steel ladle turnover process was constructed to analyze the affecting factors on the turnover rate of steel ladles~such as hot repair time, steel grade and repair age of steel ladles. Simulation results show that the turnover rate decreases with increasing hot repair time. When the daily productivity of typical steel is 45 heats, the turnover rate is 6.43 with the hot repair time of 0 to 20 min, but it is 5.0 with the hot repair time of 50 to 60 min. The turnover rates for different kinds of steel grades are different. When the daily productivity is from 41 to 50 heats, the maximum and the minimum turnover rate for producing SPHC steel are 6.28 and 5.63, respectively; however, the maximum and the minimum turnover rate for producing X70 steel are 5.00 and 4.55, respectively. The turnover rate increases with increasing repair age. When the daily productivity of typical steel is 48 heats, the turnover rate is 4.0 with the repair age of 40, and it reaches the maximum of 6.86 at the repair age of 45.