
Reoxidation control of refining slag and inclusion modification in TP347H stainless steel

  • 摘要: 研究了采用EF+VOD+IC工艺流程生产TP347H不锈钢时由于精炼渣成分产生的二次氧化及其氧化夹杂物的变性处理过程.试验中VOD精炼过程中采用Al进行终脱氧,降低精炼渣中FeO、SiO2含量,精炼渣四元碱度控制在1.3以上,保证钢中全氧质量分数小于0.003%.脱氧后使用喂Ca-Si线及钢包软吹的精炼手段,可将硬质Al2O3及MgAl2O4转变为CaO-Al2O3夹杂,减少硬质MgAl2O4夹杂总量并使夹杂物熔点低于1500℃.此类夹杂在炼钢温度下呈液态且更易于聚集与上浮,而在后续轧制、锻造过程中低熔点夹杂随基体发生形变,减少钢材裂纹的产生.


    Abstract: The secondary oxidation caused by compositions of refining slag and Ca treatment on oxide inclusion was studied in TP347H stainless steel by EF+VOD+IC process. In industrial trials, the aluminum is used as the final deoxidation during VOD process. The FeO and SiO2 contents in refining are decreased and the quaternary basicity is higher than 1.3. Then the total oxygen content is below 0.003%. With Ca-Si wire feeding and soft blowing the hard Al2O3 and MgAl2O4 inclusions are transformed to CaO-Al2O3 inclusion. The amount of MgAl2O4 inclusion is reduced and the melting point of inclusion is below 1500℃. This kind of inclu-sion is liquid during steelmaking process and it is easy to coalescence and flotation. And in the following rolling and forging process the inclusions have a little deforming ability with the matrix deformed and prevent the ingot crack.


