
Effect of Calcined Factors on the Whiteness and Activity of Coal Gangue

  • 摘要: 煤矸石的大量堆存带来了一系列的生产安全隐患和环境污染问题。煅烧活化技术为实现煤矸石中有用元素和矿物的高质高效利用开辟了新途径,但目前煅烧因素对煤矸石白度及火山灰活性的影响缺乏系统研究。通过探究煅烧因素对煅烧煤矸石白度及火山灰活性的影响,得出了煤矸石煅烧前后物相组成、微观形貌、孔径分布、白度及火山灰活性的变化。结果表明,动态煅烧产品的白度值及火山灰活性高于静态煅烧产品。在煅烧温度为600℃-900℃、煅烧时间为2h时,静态煅烧产品的白度值增加幅度高于动态煅烧产品,随着煅烧时间的延长,白度值持续增加。相较于静态煅烧,动态煅烧的烧结现象不明显,所得煅烧产品中,比表面积、孔结构特征均优于静态煅烧。所得最佳煤矸石煅烧产品的煅烧方式为动态煅烧,煅烧温度900℃,煅烧时间2h。


    Abstract: The abundant dumped coal gangue has caused the series production safety hazards and environmental pollution problems. Calcination activation technology has opened up a new way to realize the high quality and efficient use of useful elements and minerals in coal gangue. Nevertheless, there is still a lack of systematic explanation for the effect of calcined factors on the whiteness and activity of coal gangue. By exploring the influence of calcined factors on the whiteness and pozzolanic activity of calcined coal gangue, the changes in the composition of physical phase, micro-morphology, pore size distribution, whiteness and pozzolanic activity of gangue before and after calcination are obtained. The results show that the whiteness value and pozzolanic activity of dynamic calcined products are higher than those of the static calcined products. Moreover, the whiteness value of the static calcined products increases more than that of the dynamic calcined products at a calcination temperature of 600°C-900°C and a calcination time of 2h. Compare to dynamic calcination, the whiteness value of static calcination continues to increase with the extension of the calcination time. The sintering phenomenon of dynamic calcination is unobvious. The specific surface area and pore structure characteristics of static calcined products are superior to dynamic calcined products. Eventually, the optimal conditions of calcination method, calcination temperature, and calcination time for the coal gangue calcined product are dynamic calcination, 900℃ and 2h, respectively.


