
Potential evaluation and development utilization technology of geothermal resources in the Jining Coalfield

  • 摘要: “双碳”目标驱动下,我国将逐渐减少对煤炭、石油等化石能源的依赖,向发展清洁、绿色、低碳能源转型.为合理开发利用矿区地热资源,本文以济宁煤田为研究对象,在查明煤田区地热地质条件的基础上,将煤矿开采以及排水后腾出来的空间作为“热储层”,采用热储法和回收率法计算了各矿山的地热资源量、可采储量,评价地热资源开发利用潜力. 研究结果表明:济宁煤田地热资源储量为1.05×1015 kJ,折合标煤3.60×107 t,可采地热资源量为1.05×1014 kJ,折合标煤3.60×106 t,可减少CO2排放量 8.59×106 t;煤田内各矿山平均可采资源量潜力为6.82×1010~3.13×1011 kJ·km−2,地热开发利用程度低,开发利用潜力较大. 针对生产矿山总结提出了矿井回风热能利用和矿井排水余热利用2种技术方案,针对闭坑矿山提出了“取热不取水”和“取热不耗水”2种地热利用技术模式. 以典型煤矿为例,根据矿山井下巷道开拓空间分布特征,副井、充填孔、巷道井、直排井、地面排水管道及工业广场建筑物的供暖改造条件,阐明了煤田地热开发利用技术,初步建成地热供暖示范工程,可供暖面积5.0×104 m2,年利用地热资源量节约标准煤118.04 t,减排二氧化碳281.64 t,实现“取热不耗水”可持续开发利用地热资源的新模式. 为矿山地热能综合利用、矿山绿色转型和助力实现“双碳”目标,提供了技术支撑.


    Abstract: Under the guidance of China’s “carbon peaking and carbon neutrality” goals, efforts are underway to optimize and adjust the national energy structure. This involves a gradual reduction in the reliance on traditional fossil fuels such as coal and oil and an accelerated transition to clean, green, and low-carbon energy sources. The rational development and utilization of geothermal resources can significantly reduce greenhouse gas emissions while promoting the green transformation and sustainable development of mining areas. This study uses the Jining Coalfield as a case study, exploring the geothermal geological conditions in the coalfield area. The investigation revealed that the voids left after coal mining and drainage could potentially serve as a “thermal reservoir.” The study utilized thermal reservoir and recovery rate methods to calculate the quantity of geothermal resources and the recoverable reserves for each mine within the coalfield, evaluating their development and utilization potential. The findings indicated that the geothermal resource reserves of the Jining Coalfield amount to 1.05 × 1015 kJ, which is equivalent to 3.6 billion tons of standard coal. The recoverable geothermal resource volume was estimated at 1.05 × 1014 kJ or 360000 tons of standard coal. Development and utilization of these resources are projected to reduce CO2 emissions by approximately 8.59 million tons. The study also determined that the average recoverable resource potential of each mine in the coalfield ranges from 6.82 × 1010 to 3.13 × 1011 kJ·km−2. This indicates that while the current level of geothermal development and utilization is low, there is significant potential for expansion. For operational mines, two technical schemes were proposed: utilizing mine air return heat energy and mine drainage waste heat to enhance energy efficiency and reduce energy waste. For closed mines, two geothermal utilization models were introduced: “extracting heat without extracting water” and “extracting heat without consuming water,” which can effectively conserve water resources while promoting sustainable geothermal utilization. Using a typical coal mine as a case example, the study examined the development potential of underground mine spaces, including roadways, auxiliary shafts, filling holes, tunnel shafts, direct discharge shafts, surface drainage pipelines, industrial square buildings, and other mining facilities. This approach outlined a comprehensive technical pathway for geothermal development and utilization in the coalfield. A geothermal heating demonstration project has now been preliminarily completed, covering a heating area of 50000 square meters. By utilizing geothermal resources, the project can save 118.04 tons of standard coal annually and reduce CO2 emissions by 281.64 t per year, establishing a sustainable model of geothermal resource development and utilization that “extracts heat without consuming water.” This research provides crucial technical support for the comprehensive utilization of geothermal energy in mines and contributes to the green transformation of mining operations, aligning with the “carbon peaking and carbon neutrality” goals. The development and utilization of geothermal resources enable mining areas to optimize their energy structure, reduce reliance on fossil fuels, and promote the diversified growth of the local economy. Additionally, this approach enhances the quality of the ecological environment and paves the way for new avenues of sustainable development.


