
In situ observation of collision and agglomeration behavior of non-metallic inclusions at steel/Ar and steel/slag interfaces

  • 摘要: 首先介绍了高温共聚焦扫描显微镜(HT-CSLM)的工作原理及主要功能,详细介绍汇总了近年来使用高温共聚焦显微镜对钢中夹杂物团聚的研究进展,包括对钢液表面、钢渣界面及渣表面夹杂物碰撞、团聚、长大的原位观察,动力学研究及模型推导。探讨了当前计算夹杂物之间吸引力的毛细力模型,分析了密度、尺寸、距离等因素对钢中夹杂物团聚碰撞趋势的影响大小,并为后期高温共聚焦显微镜在夹杂物碰撞的研究方向提供思路。


    Abstract: The working principle and main functions of the high-temperature confocal scanning laser microscope (HT-CSLM) are introduced. The detailed summary of the recent research progress in the aggregation of inclusions using the HT-CSLM is provided. This includes in-situ observations of collisions, aggregation and growth of inclusions on the surface of molten steel, slag and at the steel-slag interface, as well as dynamic studies and model derivations. The current model for calculating the attractive force between inclusions is explored, and the impact of factors such as density, size, and distance on the trend of inclusion aggregation and collision in steel is analyzed. Ideas are also provided for the future research direction of high-temperature confocal microscopy in the field of inclusion collision.


