
Research progress of steel-based catalysts for hydrogen production by electrolysis of water

  • 摘要: 在双碳目标和能源转型的大背景下,氢能作为具有高能量密度的可再生清洁能源受到了重点关注。在众多制氢方法中,基于可再生能源的水电解制氢具有无碳排放和可储存过剩电能的优势,是未来氢能发展研究的重点方向。水电解是在直流电作用下,将水分解为氢气和氧气,理论分解电压为1.23V。但在实际电解过程中,电极需要提供超过理论电势的电势差才能使反应进行,因此电解水催化剂的选择直接关系到电解效率与制氢成本。相比于贵金属催化剂,钢基催化剂具有原料成本较低、储量丰富,稳定性好的优势,而且经过表面改性处理后其催化性能有明显提升,并与电解装置具有良好的适配性。因此设计和制备低成本、高性能钢基催化剂有利于电解水的大规模工业化应用。本文首先介绍了催化剂的性能评价指标,阐述了析氧反应(OER)和析氢反应(HER)的催化机理,然后总结了钢基材料作为电解水催化剂的研究现状,阐述了具备单一或双重功能钢基催化剂在构建完整电解系统中的应用情况,最后提出了钢基电解水制氢催化剂未来的研究趋势和发展方向。论文可为钢基催化材料的设计和未来实际应用提供参考。


    Abstract: In the context of carbon peaking and carbon neutrality goals and energy transformation, hydrogen energy has received key attention as a renewable and clean energy with high energy density. At present, hydrogen mainly comes from the combustion of fossil energy and is produced as an industrial by-product. The hydrogen prepared in this production method will be accompanied by the generation of a large amount of carbon dioxide, so it is called "gray hydrogen". In addition, hydrogen produced by splitting water from renewable energy sources such as electric energy and solar energy is called "green hydrogen".Among many hydrogen production methods, hydrogen production from water electrolysis based on renewable energy has the advantages of no carbon emissions and storage of excess electric energy, which is the key direction of future hydrogen energy development research. The water electrolysis process involves two half reactions, namely the oxygen evolution reaction (OER) at the anode and the hydrogen evolution reaction (HER) at the cathode. In the actual hydrolysis process, it is often necessary to provide a voltage higher than the theoretical voltage (1.23 V, relative to the reversible hydrogen electrode) to make the reaction proceed. Therefore, the choice of electrolysis water catalyst is directly related to electrolysis efficiency and hydrogen production cost. Compared with precious metal catalysts, steel-based catalysts have the advantages of lower raw material cost, abundant reserves, and good stability. After surface modification, their catalytic performance is significantly improved, and they have good adaptability with electrolysis devices. Therefore, the design and preparation of low-cost and high-performance steel-based catalysts are beneficial to the large-scale industrial application of water electrolysis. In this paper, the performance evaluation indexes of water electrolysis catalysts such as overpotential, Tafel slope and stability are introduced first, and then the catalytic mechanism analysis and surface modification methods of steel-based materials as OER and HER catalysts are summarized. The catalytic mechanism of OER includes adsorbate evolution mechanism (AEM) and lattice oxygen evolution mechanism (LOM). Surface modification methods can be divided into increasing the reaction area, enriching active materials and introducing external elements. The use of catalytic mechanisms is emphasized to improve the performance of steel-based catalysts. Then, the catalytic mechanism and main modification methods of steel-based HER catalysts are described, and the research progress of steel-based materials as monofunctional and bifunctional catalysts in total hydrolysis unit is summarized. Finally, the future research trend and development direction of steel-based catalysts for hydrogen production by water electrolysis are put forward.


